Marital Issues

Delay in Marrige

Marriage can be one of the best relationships, if minds are good. A number of issues can be linked with this relationship too, besides good understanding. Marinating a good relationship in life is becoming a difficult challenge day by day. If you have any kind of issue in life then, you will be disturbed mentally and physically a lot. Then this disturbance sometimes becomes fatal and the only solution, we find is ending that relationship. Here I can give you simple solutions that will work well and this broken relationship will seem long lasting. Just read on to know where I can help you.

Married Life Problems

Marinating a good relationship in life is becoming a difficult challenge day by day. Any kind of issue in married life, can disturb you mentally and physically a lot. Here I can give you simple solutions that will work well and this broken relationship will seem long lasting. Just read on to know where I can help you.

Extra Marital Affairs

Extra marital affairs have become a part of status symbol in the so-called sophisticated Western societies. Living a monogamous lifestyle seems boring to seem people and they do so. But, unfortunately this all results in family’s breakdown in many cases. So before you come up in such a condition, consult Guru ji to save your relationship.

Separation & Court Cases

Separation cases in our country are increasing day by day, reasons can be many, but solutions to stop all this are very simple. Consult Guruji if you want to save your or your friends life.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence or intimate partner violence should not be accepted anywhere or in any case. Consult Guruji if you or your near or dear one is a victim of this.

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