Fresh Talents of Jyotish Tenth International Vedic Astrology Conference
September 18 to September 21 , 2024 – Virtual Online Conference

- Prof Jaya Sekhar (India)
- Lakshmi Ramesh (India)
- Andrew Foss (USA)
- Ronnie Gale Dreyer (USA)
- Pandit Samavedula (USA & India)
- Vijay Goel (India)
- Komilla Sutton (USA & India)
- Keiko Shanti (Japan)
- Bill Sinclair (USA)
- Petra Pobuda (Germany)
This conference is a blend of great Jyotish masters and students of Komilla Sutton. Alumni of Komilla's academy who are now Jyotish masters in their own right. Many new speakers get the first opportunity to present their knowledge after years of studying Vedic Astrology. Great knowledge is shared, and fresh outlooks on Vedic Astrology make it a great conference to attend.

Prof Jaya Sekhar (India), Lakshmi Ramesh (India), Andrew Foss (USA), Pandit Samavedula (USA & India), Ronnie Gale Dreyer (USA), Vijay Goel (India), Komilla Sutton (USA & India), Keiko Shanti (Japan), Bill Sinclair (USA), Cathy Coleman(USA), Barry Rosen(USA), Nathalie Esselin (UK), Petra Pobuda (Germany), Lalita Krishnan (USA), Shelly Bivins (USA), Kara Lukowski (USA), Diana Llanio (USA and Venezuela), Michelle Brown (USA), Madhushree Ambasta (India & USA), Jane Green (Sweden), Athea Andersen (USA), Chayaa Arabastani (India & Canada) Elise Villiers (Canada), Jill Jardine (USA) Roxane Miller (USA), Darinka Marun (Australia), Michelle Marie (USA)
SCHEDULE | Date + Time | Pricing PST Pacific Standard Time
Four Days, 10 Hours of Scheduled Programs Daily - Two Sessions Daily
There will be two sessions each day to accommodate our speakers, who are located around the world and to accommodate all of you, who are also located around the world.

You can purchse the Full Conference - all 4 Days or purchase just the days you want to attend.
Take advantage by purchasing early. Early-Bird Prices end December 31, 2022.
DAY TICKETS - $75 | $150.00
Only 47 sets left
VIDEO RECORDINGS available after conference concludes
Video recordings will be available to stream after the conference. The videos will be available to stream for everyone who paid for a ticket through March 30, 2023.
After the March 30th timeframe, the video recordings will still be available but only for purchase -
rent or download.
Day 1 - Morning | Sunday, August 18, 2024
07:00 AM to 07:15 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Introduction to Conference |
07:15 AM to 08:45 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | How to analyze the Nakshatra in the Natal Chart and Dasha - Part 1: Natal Chart |
08:45 AM to 09:15 AM | Break | |
09:15 AM to 10:15 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Path to Self-Realization Through Nakshatra of the Sun: Studying the placement of the sun in the birth chart |
10:15 AM to 10:30 AM | Break | |
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Puja for Nakshatras |
Day 1 - EVENING | Sunday, August 18, 2024
04:00 AM to 05:00 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Exploring Trimurthi Through Nakshatras |
05:00 AM to 06:00 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Understanding the Nakshatras Through the Gunas and Purpose in Life |
06:00 AM to 06:15 AM | Break | |
06:15 AM to 07:45 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Venus Nakshatras - The Beginning of the End of the Beginning | Tying in with the myth of Sage Bhrigu and the myth of life and death connected with the Venus Nakshatra, with example charts, I would like to explore the characteristics of the Venus Nakshatra and its link to life and death, sexuality and regeneration, creativity, happiness, and lack of happiness with material things. |
07:45 AM to 08:45 AM | Dr.Vijay Goel | Nakshatra Compatibility, The Kuta System Explored: How Moon Nakshatras are compared between a couple to find out what makes for a perfect relationship and brings contentment on a physical, mental and spiritual level. |
DAY 2 - MORNING | Friday, January 27, 2023
7:00am to 8:30 am | Vijay Goel (india) | Using Nakshatra to Select Auspicious Muhurta for Events: Secrets from Muhurta Chinatamani |
8:30 am to 10:00 am | Bill Sinclair (USA) | COSMIC LIGHT: Narratives of the Solar and Lunar Nakshatras: Cosmic light illuminates our inner world. The Nakshatras reveal the mental disposition of each planet. Using the narratives associated with the nakshatras ruled by the Sun and Moon, we can see the influence the luminaries cast upon the planets occupying their field of influence. Example charts will offer ideas about using this information to enhance your understanding of the cosmic light in the native’s chart. |
10:00 am to 10:15 am | BREAK | |
10:15 am to 11:45 pm | Ronnie Gale Dreyer (USA) | When Rahu Rules: An In-depth Look at Ardra, Swati, and Shatabhishak: Well take a deep dive into the Moon’s placement in the three Rahu-ruled Nakshatras as we explore their mythology, stars, and temperament. Most importantly, we will see how Rahu’s intensity, power, and transformative ability uniquely affect these lunar mansions. The focus will also be on the Nakshatras’placements in Gemini (Ardra), Libra (Svati), and Aquarius (Shatabhisaj). |
10:45 am to 12:45 pm | Jill Jardine (USA) | Sanskrit Mantras for Deities of the Planetary Lords of Nakshatras: In this class, Jill will teach Sanskrit Mantras for the Deities connected to the planetary lord of the Nakshatra. |
DAY 3 - MORNING | Saturday, January 28, 2023
7:00 am TO 8:30 am | Prof Jaya Sekhar (India) | How to Analyze the Nakshatras: Part 2 - Dasha |
8:30 am to 8:45 am | BREAK | |
8:45 am to 9:45 am | Nathalie Esselin (UK) | The Pearl of Chitra |
9:45 am to 10:45 am | Jane Green (Sweden) | The Secret Key to Memorizing the Nakshatras |
10:45 am to 11:00 am | BREAK | |
11:00 am to 12:00 pm | Chayaa Arabastani | Ascendant Nakshatra - Resonance & Manifestation |
Cancellation Policy
$ 50.00 service charge on all refunds.
NO refunds after Auguest 1, 2024.
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