Namkaran Baby Names

Namkaran baby names by date of birth, first letter of name by date of birth and time is calculated on the basis of birth constellation. The birth name alphabet can be known by providing the child's birth date, birth time and birth place. They just look for names which are unique and could sound attractive and besides this the procedure followed during naming differs from culture to culture. But namkaran by date of birth should be taken seriously as the name of the person reflects his identity. Each letter of the name has its own numeric value and also provides cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in the birth date of the person and the value achieved from it provides vibration to some extent. It can display a number of things about your character, motives in life, talents, etc. So do consider these parameters before deciding the name of any new born.


Namkaran, also known as the naming ceremony, is a Hindu tradition where a newborn baby is formally given a name. It usually takes place on the 11th day after birth and is considered one of the most important rites in Hindu culture.
Baby names are often chosen based on: Family traditions or ancestral names The baby’s horoscope (janam kundali), where the first letter is suggested by the astrologer based on the child’s birth star (nakshatra) Names inspired by deities, nature, or positive qualities Names that carry deep cultural, spiritual, or family significance
Astrologer Vijay Goel is renowned for providing accurate and meaningful predictions for namkaran baby names. With deep expertise in astrology, he ensures that the names align with the baby’s astrological chart, enhancing positivity and success in their life.
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